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Updated: Nov 30, 2023 9:00 |
Plot of the relationships between the structural neighbors of this chain, which is placed in the center of the graph
Distances between this chain and its neighbors are scaled according to the TM-score of their structure alignment. Only chains that are classified as structural neighbors are included (TM-score of ≥0.6). The distance between neighbors also represents the corresponding TM-score, albeit in a more approximate way. Colors of dots represent the difference in the number of membrane-spanning segments in that neighbor. |
Structural and sequence relationships between the current protein chain and all other structures with a similar number of transmembrane domains
Each point shows the structural similarity, scored with the TM-score (1 for perfect match) and sequence identity between the current protein chain and another membrane protein chain. For reference, density contours from the distribution of all alignments in the database are shown. The two histograms along the axes indicate the number of alignments in each sector of the graph. Colors of dots represent the difference in the number of membrane-spanning segments in that neighbor. |
Regions of the protein that are more or less variable across structural homologues
Distances between each residue of the current chain and the corresponding residues in all structurally-aligned neighboring chains are plotted as a density of distances (in Å). Transmembrane segments of the current chain are indicated by gray boxes. |
Coordinates of the structure alignments.
Coordinates of all superpositions between the current protein chain and any chain with the same number of transmembrane regions. |
Data for generating the Density scatter plot.
For each relationship between the current protein chain and all other structures with the same number of transmembrane regions, the distances between the aligned Cα are reported. The columns contain the residue index relative to the PDB file of the current protein and the distance between aligned Cα (in Å).
Sequence and structure alignment estimators.
For each structure and sequence alignment involving the current protein chain, the following are reported in this order: 1) secondary structure type and 2) number of transmembrane regions for the two chains; PDB code of 3) the first and 4) second chain; 5) sequence identity of the sequence alignment; 6) sequence identity of the sequence alignment retrieved from the structure superposition; 7) TM-score and 8) RMSD of the structure alignment. |
Order: | C1 |
Angle: | 4.12 |
Translation: | 11.94 |
RMSD: | 0.0 |
TM-Score: | 0.0 |
Coverage: | 0.0 |
See additional CE-Symm data |
Order: | 13.0 |
Angle: | 27.8 |
Translation: | -0.99 |
RMSD: | 4.92 |
TM-Score: | 0.33 |
Coverage: | 0.46 |
See additional SymD data |
Template: | 7jga_a |
Template Order: | C2 |
Angle: | 169.59 |
Translation: | 5.9 |
RMSD: | 4.61 |
TM-Score: | 0.24 |
Coverage: | 0.35 |
Aligned Residues: | 110 |
Number of Repeats: | 2 |
Repeat Length: | 59 |
Levels: | 1 |
Topology: | Parallel |
Angle with Membrane Normal: | 166.58 |
Repeats: | |
View alignment |