6uwz : EncoMPASS

General information about the complete biological unit of each membrane protein structure.

The orientation in the lipid bilayer is either taken directly from OPM or generated using the related routine PPM; the title is taken from the OPM database. However, the structure shown may be modified from the coordinate file retrievable from OPM or the PDB, because of inconsistencies with the definition of the biological unit. The coordinate file is downloadable, as is a PyMOL script for visualizing the structure.

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, with alpha-bungarotoxin

Number of Chains: 7
Number of TM Chains: 5
Amino Acids: 2177
Resolution: 2.69 Å
Uniprot: P02710       P02718       P02712       P02714       P60615      
Links: PDB      OPM      PDBTM 
Coordinates The structure shown may be modified from the coordinate file retrievable from OPM or from the PDB because of inconsistencies with the definition of the biological unit.

Structure Relationships
A list of chains contained in the biological unit and their relationships to other structures in the database.

Details include: (i) the predominant secondary structure (alpha or beta), (ii) the number of transmembrane regions according to our algorithm, and (iii-v) the number of neighbors according to comparisons using sequence (iii), structure (iv), or both (v).

Two chains are designated sequence neighbors when the sequence identity in the MUSCLE alignment is ≥0.85. Two chains are assigned as structural neighbors when the Fr-TM-Align structure alignment led to a TM-score of ≥0.6.

Member Class TM Domains Seq Neighbors Struct Neighbors All Neighbors Symmetry
6uwz_A alpha 4 17 1291 1291 C2
6uwz_B alpha 4 8 1298 1298 C2
6uwz_C alpha 4 8 1290 1290 C2
6uwz_D alpha 4 17 1289 1289 C2
6uwz_E alpha 4 8 1289 1289 C2

Standard Symmetry Detection
Raw output from two symmetry detection programs: CE-Symm and SymD.

Structures were processed using CE-Symm and SymD with default options. For CE-Symm, if no symmetry was detected (reported as Order = C1), no image is provided. When symmetry is detected, different colors are used to represent the repeated elements with respect to a given symmetry axis and the PyMOL script for generating the representations is provided. [Note that CE-Symm calculations were carried out with a random seed of 3, 5, or 10, from which the result with the highest number of repeats and/or highest number of aligned residues is reported.]

For SymD, which does not report repeats information, the aligned residues (capital letters in the FASTA files) are colored blue and the accompanying PyMOL script generates this representation. [Note that SymD does not report symmetry order and so here, the order has been predicted based on the unit angle provided by the program.]

To interpret the repeat definitions, see the FAQ.

CE-Symm   2.2

Order: C5
Angle: 71.99
Translation: 0.00
RMSD: 1.65
TM-Score: 0.91
Coverage: 0.92
See additional CE-Symm data
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SymD   1.6

Order: 5
Angle: 72.0
Translation: 0.01
RMSD: 1.627
TM-Score: 0.96
Coverage: 0.97
See additional SymD data
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Multi-step Symmetry Detection
Consensus results from processing with SymD, CE-Symm and QuatSymm with default and customized parameters

These results were filtered using rules that take into account the restraints imposed by the membrane environment (e.g., an alpha-helical repeat should contain at least two transmembrane spans to be functionally relevant) and that consider coverage and symmetry levels. Only symmetries between repeats that are at least partially located in the membrane are considered. Note that for multi-chain complexes the order of the chains is important for symmetry detection and is therefore also reported.

Chain Order: E;B;D;A;C;
Order: C5
Angle: 144.00
Translation: 0.00
RMSD: 1.6
TM-Score: 0.93
Coverage: 0.94
Aligned Residues: 1895
Number of Repeats: 5
Repeat Length: 384
Levels: 1
Topology: Parallel
Angle with Membrane Normal: -1.91
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